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A biographical Museum
The biographical museum is dedicated to the world wide still known neurologist Korbinian Brodmann who was born in Liggersdorf (suburbof Hohenfels) in1868. The permanent exhibition shows numerous exhibits, pictures and display boards about Brodmann's descent, family, school education, studies and research achievements as well as about all stations of his vocational life and work to his tragic way to early death.

Among others a specially made brain slice microscope by the company Zeiss from the neurological laboratory in Berlin is on display. Exhibited are further a great number of special prints of famous neurologists -in parts with hand written dedications to Brodmann's daughter Ilse von Sandersleben.

Opening times: Every 1. Sunday in a month from 2pm to 5pm (apart from public holidays)
or by prior arrangement under (07557 530) or (07557 929120)

Further information under:

Hauptstra�e 30 / Rathaus
78355 Hohenfels-Liggersdorf
Telephone: 07557 92060